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Keynote Speaker

Milena Corredig


Milena Corredig

Session 2: Sustainable raw materials and processes

Aarhus University, Denmark

Session 2: Sustainable raw materials and processes  

Milena Corredig is a Professor in the department of Food science at Aarhus University, Denmark. She leads a group focused on structure/function relationships of food biopolymers during processing. From 2003 to 2016 she was Canada research Chair at the University of Guelph. She also spent 5 years as V.P. of R&D for a dairy manufacturing cooperative, in Ontario, Canada.

She holds the prestigious title of Lise Meitner visiting professor at Lund University, and is Chair of the COST action Circul-a-bility, and she is senior editor of Food Hydrocolloids, Sustainable food proteins and Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.

To date, Prof. Corredig has published more than 300 peer reviewed publications in the area of food structure and functionality.