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Tadanobu Nakayama


Tadanobu Nakayama

The National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

Dr, Tadanobu Nakayama has developed methods for assessing and predicting the changes in ecosystem functions by integrating ground-based observation, GIS data, satellite data, and distributed process models (NICE: National Integrated Catchment-based Eco-hydrology). NICE comprises complex sub-compartments such as surface hydrology of hillslope and stream flows, a land-surface model including urban and crop processes, a groundwater model, a mass transport model (sediment, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, etc.), a vegetation succession mode, and a regional atmospheric model,, etc. Now NICE is extending to couple with plastic debris (engineered materials) model, and to apply to all the first-class river basins in entire Japan (109 river basins) and the global scale. NICE has been applied to various basins/catchments such as Japanese catchments (Tokyo Metropolitan area, Lake Kasumigaura, and Kushiro Wetland), Yangtze and Yellow River Basins in China, Mekong River Basin in Southeast Asia, West Siberia Wetland (Ob and Yenisei River Basins), Mongolia, and recently up-scaling to the global/continental scales in order to evaluate the hydrologic cycle and the associated ecosystem assessment. He is also editorial board of two journals; “Ecohydrology” published by Wiley, and “Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology” published by Elsevier. These two journals aim to improve understanding of processes at the interface between ecology and hydrology and to increase interdisciplinary insights of their interactions and associated feedbacks. Profile; se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana ORCID; se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana Web of Science; se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana