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Wei Zhai


Wei Zhai

National University of Singapore, Singapore


- University of Cambridge: PhD from the Department of Engineering (Supervisor: David Cardwell; 2011-2015)

- Tsinghua University: Visiting Student at the Department of Physics (2010-2011)

- University of Science and Technology Beijing: BEng from the School of Materials Science & Engineering (2007-2011)

Academic Experience

- Materials & Design: Assistant Managing Editor (2017-now)

- Materials Today Communications: Editor (2019-now)

- Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology: Scientist (awarded A*STAR Research Highlights; 2015-2019)

Current Research Interests

- Process development and microstructure optimisation for functional or structural materials:

- Advanced manufacturing of porous materials;

- Additive manufacturing, freeze casting and powder processing;

- Alloys, composites and hierarchical ceramics;

- Microstructure characterisation, mechanical testing and functional analysis.