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Weixin Huang


Weixin Huang

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Prof. Dr. Weixin Huang is a Changjiang Professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He received the Bachelor of Science degree from USTC in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics in 2001. He then worked at the University of Texas at Austin as a postdoctoral fellow and at the Fritz Haber Institute as a Humboldt fellow. He has been a full professor at USTC since December 2004. His research interests are surface chemistry and catalysis of solid catalysts with well-defined structures ranging from single crystals to nanocrystals. He has been awarded the Humboldt Research Fellowship of the AvH Foundation, the Young Scientist Prize of the 13th International Catalysis Congress, the Young Chemist Award of the Chinese Chemical Society, the Chinese Catalysis Youth Award of the Chinese Catalysis Society, and the Humboldt Research Award of the AvH Foundation. He is an editor of Applied Surface Science and a member of the editorial boards of Catalysis Letters, Topics in Catalysis, Science China Chemistry, and The Journal of Physical Chemistry A/B/C.