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Yuliang Zhao


Yuliang Zhao

National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China

Dr. Yuliang Zhao earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Science from the Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1999. He held faculty appointments at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing before becoming a member of The Methodist Hospital Research Institute in 2011. Dr. Zhao also holds adjunct faculty appointments at Peking University (Beijing), the Medical School of Jilin University (Changchun), and Sichuan University (Chengdu).

As the the founder and Director of CAS Key Lab for Biomedical Effects of Nanomaterials & Nanosafety, he directs a research program that is developing a new generation of cancer chemotherapeutics using low-toxic nanoparticles. Dr. Zhao has also been a member of nine study sections and review boards in China and Europe. He is the founder and Director of Research Center for Cancer Nanotechnology at Tianjin Cancer Hospital in China. He has served as the Associate Editor and editorial board member of seven scientific research journals since 2006.