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British Heart Foundation

Elsevier has established a funding body agreement with the British Heart Foundation (BHF) se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana to help authors publishing in Elsevier journals to comply and to facilitate a successful implementation of their policy. Details about how to comply are outlined below.


Since January 1, 2007, a copy of the final manuscript of all peer-reviewed research papers supported in whole or in part by a BHF grant must be deposited in an open access archive, such as PubMed Central (PMC) or UK PubMed Central (UKPMC), to be made freely available within six months of publication.

BHF-funded authors are free to choose the gold open access option offered by Elsevier. Authors can comply by publishing in either an Elsevier open access journal or in a subscription journal with an open access option. This includes journals published by The Lancet.

Gold open access

To provide open access, a publication fee needs to be met for each article published open access. For information about specific open access publication fees, please refer to the individual journal's guide for authors.

BHF will reimburse valid fees. All full research articles arising from BHF-funded research should acknowledge BHF by stating the relevant grant number. Where a research paper has arisen from research funded by more than one member of the Europe PMC Funders' Group, the costs of making that paper open access should be split proportionally between the different funders of the research. A list of funding organizations that support Europe PMC can be found on the Europe PMC website se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana

If other acknowledged research funders are not members of the Europe PMC Funders' Group or BHF is the major research funder of the reported work, however, then BHF will pay the full open access fees. For more information about claiming open access fees, please read BHF's open access policy se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana.

Upon final publication, Elsevier will immediately send to PubMed Central (PMC) the final published journal article (PJA) as it appears on ScienceDirect. PMC and PMC mirror sites will also link directly to this same article on Elsevier's websites. All articles published open access have permitted reuse which is determined by the author's choice of user license.

Green open access

BHF-funded authors who do not have funds available for gold open access can self-archive their accepted author manuscript on Europe PMC after the embargo period for their specific journal has expired. Permitted reuse of posted manuscripts and additional terms and conditions can be found online.

BHF-funded authors can also self-archive and share their research following our sharing guidelines.