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US Department of Energy


The US Department of Energy (DOE) se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana has issued a Public Access Plan se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana designed to ensure “scholarly publications and datasets resulting from research directly arising from DOE funding can become more readily accessible to the public, setting the stage for increased innovation, commercial opportunities, and accelerated scientific breakthroughs.”

The plan applies to unclassified and otherwise unrestricted scholarly publications resulting in whole or in part from DOE funding. This policy is in effect for DOE research funded (including work by DOE national Laboratories and for grants awarded or renewed) from 1 October 2014 onwards.

Authors whose research results are subject to DOE's plan and who publish with Elsevier can comply with the plan by choosing either a green or gold route to open access publication.

Gold open access

Elsevier also provides open access publishing options, which enable authors to comply with the DOE public access plan. This is not required by DOE, but can be appealing to authors as it ensures the final version of the article is immediately available to everyone worldwide. Specifically, authors can choose to publish open access in either our open access journals  se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventanaor in one of over 1,700 "hybrid" established journals. Elsevier will enable access to the final article immediately through the CHORUS service.

A publication fee is required to be paid in order to make an article available through gold open access. Elsevier's open access publication fees range between c$150 and c$9,900 US Dollars excluding tax and are journal specific — please refer to the guide for authors on the journal homepage.

Green open access

Both Intramural researchers (such as DOE employees) and extramural researchers (national labs and grant recipients) will need to self-archive their Accepted Manuscript in the PAGES public access portal via the DOE E-link system se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana or their lab's publications submission system. DOE's PAGES will make the Accepted Manuscripts accessible to the public after the 12 month embargo period.

Elsevier will also make the Accepted Manuscripts accessible to the public via the CHORUS se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana service.