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The World Bank

Elsevier has established an agreement with the World Bank to help employees publishing in Elsevier journals comply and to facilitate a successful implementation of their policy. Details about how to comply are outlined below.


  • The World Bank requires employees to make their final manuscript free to access through the Bank's Open Knowledge Repository with permitted reuse, no more than 18 months after acceptance.

  • World Bank employees can comply by publishing in any Elsevier subscription journal. After acceptance, authors are required to complete a license agreement. Authors should contact the Elsevier Rights and Permissions team via [email protected]se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana with details of the article reference number or the title of the article in order to obtain this agreement.

  • Upon publication online, authors are able to post their accepted manuscript to the World Bank's repository for internal use. Elsevier, on behalf of the author, will automatically deliver the metadata of the article to the World Bank.

  • However, for public access, authors must wait until after the embargo period for their specific journals has expired. Posted accepted author manuscripts must include a link back to the original and final published articles.

Accepted manuscripts, posted after embargo period, to the Bank's Open Knowledge Repository will allow permitted reuse under a CC BY-NC-ND license.