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Analytical Services catalog of offerings

Elsevier’s Analytical Services team is experienced in serving policy makers, funders, and academic and corporate research institutions around the world. From simple, targeted reports to comprehensive multidimensional studies, as well as data delivery and web integration services, our offerings will meet your research management needs.

Insights based on data

Our team of consultants move beyond data to provide powerful insights when measuring research performance. The resulting insight answer pressing research management questions and inform decisions related to funding initiatives, their return on investment and outputs to help assess and design funding programs.

Help academic executives gain insights to questions such as:

  • How is my institution performing and what research strategies could help us?

  • How is my research helping society?

  • How do I foster the best team of researchers?

Ayudar a los financiadores a conocer en profundidad cuestiones como:

  • ¿Cómo mido el impacto de la investigación que he financiado?

  • ¿Qué ámbitos de investigación debo financiar?

  • ¿Cómo elijo a los mejores?