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Digital Clinical Experiences™

Put the patient at the forefront of the learning experience with high-fidelity, screen-based simulations.


Shadow Health ensures:

Students — engage in valuable, patient-centered learning experiences

With Shadow Health, you can practice your skills in a safe, simulated clinical environment.

  • Gain exposure to realistic patients and conditions with Digital Clinical Experiences™

  • Master the skills needed to communicate effectively with a diverse range of patients

  • Receive feedback on areas of strength and opportunities for improvement

  • Learn how to have more effective and efficient patient interactions for improved outcomes

Shadow Health community health toolkit image of patient in bed

Instructors — give students valuable, patient-centered practice opportunities

Empower students to hone their skills in a safe, simulated clinical environment. Shadow Health enables you to:

  • Provide students with guaranteed exposure to realistic patients and conditions

  • Ensure students develop therapeutic communication skills with a diverse range of patients

  • Witness students develop their clinical reasoning abilities

  • Prepare students to improve patient outcomes in practice

Shadow Health community health toolkit