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Realistic, hands-on simulation practice in a comprehensive course for nursing students

Elsevier’s Simulation Learning System (SLS) maximizes the capabilities of human patient simulators and integrate simulation into your nursing curriculum. Give your students the hands-on practice to be successful in today’s healthcare environment.

Simulation Learning System image

Evidence-based scenarios, an electronic health record, and teaching support for facilitating

  • Online scenarios: More than 160 evidence-based nursing simulation scenarios correspond to Elsevier’s texts in core nursing disciplines and include clear instructions and supporting resources to help you conduct the most realistic simulations possible.

  • Pre and post-simulation activities: Pre and post-simulation activities are provided to reinforce student comprehension and help develop essential critical thinking and clinical judgment skills.

  • EHR powered by SimChart®: Housing records for skill drills, patient and nursing simulation scenarios, SLS’s robust EHR platform helps students learn how to properly document patient care.

Simulation Learning System

Immerse students in clinical learning with Simulation Learning System with Virtual Reality

Create a totally immersive clinical learning experience with Elsevier’s SLS with VR and leverage the latest virtual reality technology. Give students a safe, ultra-realistic virtual environment where they can gain hands-on patient care experience and enhance their clinical judgment skills.

  • Virtual Reality Scenarios: 100+ unique virtual scenarios spanning the nursing curriculum. 

  • Physical Lab Scenarios: SLS with VR includes 160+ physical lab scenarios with a full simulation lab solution for running manikin-based, standardized patient-based or VR simulations. 

  • Develop Communication Skills: Enhance communication skills with direct patient interaction and responses. 


Why Choose Simulation Learning System?

Nursing curriculum scenarios

More than 160 evidence-based nursing simulation scenarios correspond to Elsevier’s texts in core nursing disciplines.

Physical lab scenarios

Provide a full simulation lab solution with 160 lab scenarios.
Clinical practice picto

EHR powered by SimChart®

Housing records for skill drills, patient and nursing simulation scenarios, SLS’s robust EHR platform helps students learn how to properly document patient care.
Detailed instructions

Detailed instructions

Direct access to Implementation Modules and Facilitator’s Packets and Moulage Manual with over 86 recipes and full-color photos.
nursing skills drills

Skills drills

More than 600 skills drills that give students additional opportunities to practice and master core skills prior to simulation
Integration support

Integration support

SLS and SLS with VR makes the task of incorporating simulation into your nursing course more manageable With full support throughout every stage of simulation.