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Because you want to discover even better ways to help him

As a medical librarian, having the depth and breadth of clinical information at your fingertips allows you to support clinicians’ life-long learning needs to stay abreast of rapidly expanding clinical information. With a brand-new user interface, responsive search technology, and trusted, evidence-based content, the ClinicalKey medical search engine provides:

  • Easy access to top tier journals, full-text reference materials and synoptic content to extend your reach and support clinicians’ information needs with a single solution

  • An intuitive user experience to quickly and easily find critical information for your clinicians

ClinicalKey Point of Care

Clinicians walking down hall talking

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ClinicalKey Point of Care

One comprehensive medical search solution, multiple use cases

ClinicalKey streamlines the path to trusted, evidence-based information by combining the speed of synoptic content with the depth of a comprehensive clinical reference tool in one intuitive solution.


Evolving an advanced clinical knowledge solution: Expert perspectives from Elsevier’s editorial team

Evolving an advanced clinical knowledge solution: Expert perspectives from Elsevier’s editorial team

evolving an advanced solution still title card from video

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Evolving an advanced clinical knowledge solution: Expert perspectives from Elsevier’s editorial team

The future of clinical information

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The future of clinical information

eBook: Trusted clinical knowledge in the moments that matter

Clinical decision support for any moment. Quick, credible answers at the point of care alongside trusted, comprehensive medical evidence.

In key moments, easy access to the right information makes all the difference

Each day, clinicians face dozens of critical moments that define their impact. Moments of risk. Of realization. Moments that demand decisions. Moments that determine patient outcomes.

Download the eBook to learn more. se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana

Cover of ebook - Trusted clinical knowledge in the moments that matter