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Nurse checking intravenous line

The utilization of evidence-based Order Sets and Care Plans to support clinical decision making

14 de marzo de 2024

Healthcare organizations are confronted with a host of significant challenges, including rising costs, workforce shortages, staff retention and the pressing need to minimize variability to foster a culture of safety. Amidst these circumstances, the importance of enhancing the quality of care cannot be overstated.  

It is in this context that Emirates Health Services (EHS) recognized the role Clinical Decision Support (CDS) solutions can play in addressing these issues. The aim for EHS was to reduce practice variability across its hospital facilities and ensure that its healthcare professionals (HCPs) had the support of evidence-based tools. By leveraging CDS solutions, EHS sought to enhance its care practices, align with established evidence-based guidelines, optimize efficiency and promote optimal patient outcomes.  

To achieve its objectives, EHS decided to utilize Elsevier’s evidence-based Order Sets and Care Plans as exemplary tools that could support physicians and nurses in their decision-making and patient care. Order Sets and Care Plans were successfully implemented at EHS across 16 of its inpatient facilities, playing a pivotal role in standardizing care practices and facilitating evidence-based decision-making at the point of care.  

This study highlights the value Elsevier's evidence-based Order Sets and Care Planning solutions brought to EHS between September 2020 and October 2022. Importantly, the study provides Elsevier with access to a comprehensive dataset derived from an EHR, enabling an analysis of real-world utilization of Order Sets and Care Plans. Read on to find out more about the value Elsevier's evidence-based Order Sets and Care Planning solutions brought to EHS and how their use resulted in time-saving benefits, increased efficiency, and the establishment of standardized, high-quality care.   

The Utilization of Evidence-based Order Sets and Care Plans to Support Clinical Decision Making

The Utilization of Evidence-based Order Sets and Care Plans to Support Clinical Decision Making

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