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Ultima actualización el | 2 de mayo de 2023
Elsevier’s Clinical Editorial team develops clinically-based drug information content through a peer-reviewed process. The peer-review process represents an objective analysis of clinically-relevant drug information. The content development cycle mimics the peer-review process in effect for major scientific publications. In general, editorial content follows the style of other peer-reviewed medical publications, including the style of the American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. Modifications to this style are standardized within internal policy and reflect the needs of database production and point-of-care information requirements of healthcare providers.
Elsevier’s Clinical Editorial team is composed of clinical pharmacists who have undergone extensive training. Many have experience in hospitals and retail pharmacy chains, have held academic positions with universities, and have attained board certification in specialty areas. They have received awards, authored original papers, had work featured in numerous scientific journals, and have published books targeted to healthcare professionals.
The Clinical Editorial team includes the following basic categories:
Managing Editor
Therapeutic Area Specialist
Pharmacotherapy Specialist
Drug Information Specialist
Linguistic Assistant
To ensure the most up-to-date drug information is included, the Clinical Editorial team updates clinical content in a “real time” format rather than working against pre-determined deadlines. This allows for tremendous flexibility when establishing priorities for client updates and the ability to be responsive to late breaking medical news, trials, and previously unannounced drug label changes.
Content updates to the database include: new FDA-approved drugs, new non-prescription and herbal therapies, newly published information regarding FDA label changes and relevant clinical studies affecting off-label utilization. Each member of the editorial staff is responsible for monitoring certain therapeutic categories for pertinent information to be included in the database.