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Person-centered medication education

Bring your health information into everyday life with our education that fosters inclusivity, increased understanding and prompts action by engaging people to manage their health. Anchor your digital strategy with Elsevier.

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Elsevier Health brings inclusive evidence-based medication information to improve health outcomes for all

Elsevier Health’s person-centered medication education provides easy access to health information for all individuals, helping to improve health outcomes, reduce health disparities, and create a healthier future.  

Our comprehensive medication education, available in 21 languages, focuses on inclusivity, understandability, and empowering each person to act in managing their own health. Our education supports diversity, is sensitive to differences, conveys respect to all people, and promotes equal health outcomes.

Key capabilities include:

  • Trusted person-centered content developed, peer reviewed and maintained by certified specialty pharmacists

  • Medication interaction checking

  • Medication images and pill identification

  • Customizable technology with everywhere digital access

Elsevier Health is committed to improving health outcomes by providing genuinely inclusive solutions that are representative and considerate to the needs of all people.

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Descubra cómo nuestras soluciones de información sobre medicamentos pueden ayudar a facilitar el trabajo de los equipos de atención

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