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Empowering innovation: Bridging science and technology research for competitiveness in Kazakhstan

An international Research Event for Kazakhstan

In an era where technological advancements are reshaping economies and societies, the importance of fostering innovation and bridging the gap between science and technology has never been more critical. "Empowering Innovation: Bridging Science and Technology Research for Competitiveness in Kazakhstan" is a pivotal event designed to address these very needs. 

Date: 22 August 2024, Thursday

Location: Rixos President Astana Hotel, Shanyrak Hall  opens in new tab/window

Teaser man with laptop and infographics

Why Attend: 

Beyond the rich content, this event is a prime networking opportunity, offering a platform to connect with peers, exchange ideas, and forge collaborations that can lead to groundbreaking advancements. The provision of a Certification of Attendance further underscores the event’s value, marking your commitment to staying at the forefront of technological and scientific innovation. 



Participant registration and a welcome coffee


Opening speech by the Ministry (TBC) 


Speaker: Ibrahim Mohammed Ibrahim, Regional Director – Turkey, Middle East & Central Asia, Elsevier 


Title: On commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities

Kamil Akatov, Chairman, Science Fund 

Title: “The role of technological entrepreneurship in advancing technological development”

Presenter: Marat Fatkhullin, Vice-President Global Strategic Networks, Elsevier  


Coffee break


Title: "Science - a driver of increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan"

Assylkhan Bibossinov, President, NCSTE  

Title: “University Research Strategy, Policy and Performance” 

Assanbay Jumabekov, Director of Research Administration, Nazarbayev University 

Title: “Towards the 4th generation university: The transformative role of TU/e in delivering innovation and impact”

Presenter: Charon Duerjmeier, Regional Director CSM, Elsevier  


Title: “Exploring data across the SDGs to develop research & innovation strategy and unpack funding opportunities”

Presenters: Saide Sak, Customer Success Manager, Elsevier and Anton Degtev, Customer Success Manager, Elsevier  

*Certification of Attendance will be provided to on-site attendees.  


Ibrahim Mohammed Ibrahim, Regional Director – Turkey, Middle East & Central Asia, Elsevier 

Marat Fatkhullin, Vice-President Global Strategic Networks, Elsevier 

Charon Duerjmeier, Regional Director CSM, Elsevier 

Saide Sak, Customer Success Manager, Elsevier 

Anton Degtev, Customer Success Manager, Elsevier 

Kamil Akatov, Chairman, Science Fund

Assylkhan Bibossinov, President, NCSTE

Assanbay Jumabekov, Director of Research Administration, Nazarbayev University

Important notes on the event: 

Event registration and attendance is free; however, the seats are limited. Register in advance to secure your spot at the event. You can register here opens in new tab/window.

A Certification of Attendance will be provided to all on-site attendees.