Keynote talks from renowned speakers
Meet the esteemed committee members and speakers participating in the conference.

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9th International Nurse Education Conference
This conference has now taken place. Further information on future editions will be added to this site shortly.
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The NETNEP series of conferences are designed to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience of nursing, midwifery and healthcare education worldwide. NETNEP 2024 will continue this philosophy by encouraging the sharing of research and practice of nursing, midwifery and healthcare education as it impacts on the learning experience of students and qualified practitioners and the health and social care needs, and safety, of the individuals and communities it serves worldwide.
Meet the esteemed committee members and speakers participating in the conference.
Topics include:
Learning, teaching & assessment
Learning in practice
New technologies, artificial intelligence, simulation and social media in teaching and practice
Planetary health and sustainability
Curriculum innovation & development
Evidence and educational discourse
Translation of knowledge into practice
Professional development & leadership
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Find out about the latest research and innovation in nurse education
There will be a large number of presentations throughout the three day event, including keynote presentations and contributed oral and poster presentations - including the Rapid5 short oral communications - giving delegates the opportunity to hear not only the latest research or innovation in education in a myriad of different contexts but also to participate fully in an interactive program.
The conference experience is for anyone involved in the delivery, development and organisation of nursing, midwifery and healthcare education, as well as those who actively engage in participating in educational programs. The conference particularly welcomes contributions from faculty, nursing and midwifery educationalists, academic administrators, senior education managers, practitioners, researchers and students.
Conference deadlines
Abstract submission: 31 May 2024
Author notification: 19 July 2024 Author registration: 16 August 2024 Early registration: 16 August 2024
Aims and Scope
The NETNEP series of conferences is designed to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience of nursing and healthcare workforce education worldwide. The two journals (Nurse Education Today and Nurse Education in Practice) support this endeavour through encouraging the sharing of this knowledge and experience through publication.
Internationally, the future of nursing, midwifery and other health professional education is dependent on ensuring leaders in each field of practice and successful succession planning for educators of the future. At this conference we want to explore many of the developments taking place internationally to ensure this future and to learn from, and work with, each other to ensure quality health care delivery; optimal outcomes for the people with whom we work; and successful development of our professions.
There are complex issues facing healthcare education. Across higher education and the practice context the workforce is ageing. Ensuring ongoing professional development, scholarship and leadership development is equally important for students and practitioners. The age and complexity of people who use health services is increasing, and the context in which services are delivered is dynamic and changing. Research, scholarship and evaluation is central to ensuring professionals are agile, flexible, innovative and responsive to current and future challenges.
As one of the world’s leading education conferences, the NETNEP series attracts delegates from more than 40 countries worldwide which brings a richness of sharing with, and learning from, each other. Networking and collaboration is promoted throughout the conference.
NETNEP 2024 will feature a large number of stimulating presentations throughout the three day event, including keynote presentations, oral and ‘Rapid 5’ presentations, and poster presentations. Delegates will hear about the latest research or innovation in education in a myriad of different contexts, and will have the opportunity to actively participate in an interactive program.
Presentations from nursing, midwifery and other healthcare disciplines are encouraged to promote interprofessional dialogue and we encourage oral and poster submissions from a diversity of disciplines. The engagement of different disciplines is reflected in the promotion of interprofessional perspectives in Nurse Education in Practice and Nurse Education Today.
Nurse Education Today opens in new tab/window is the leading international journal providing a forum for the publication of high quality original research, review and debate in the discussion of nursing, midwifery and interprofessional health care education, publishing papers which contribute to the advancement of educational theory and pedagogy that support the evidence-based practice for educationalists worldwide. The journal stimulates and values critical scholarly debate on issues that have strategic relevance for leaders of health care education.
Nurse Education in Practice opens in new tab/window enables lecturers and practitioners to both share and disseminate evidence that demonstrates the actual practice of education as it is experienced in the realities of their respective work environments, that is both in the University/faculty and clinical settings. It is supportive of new authors and is at the forefront in publishing individual and collaborative papers that demonstrate the link between education and practice.