Honorary Chair

Changfeng Chen, PhD
School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, China
Prof. Changfeng Chen used to be the head of the Journalism Department (2001-2008) and the Deputy Dean (2001-2006) of the School of Journalism & Communication of Peking University, Assistant and Associate Professor in the School of International Studies of Peking University (1996-2001).
She got her Ph.D. at Renmin University in 1996. Her publications include: Influenced by America: Journalism & Communication Education Research in China (Broadcasting Publishing House of China, 2006), History of Mass Communication in China: Media and Social Change (Publishing House of Tsinghua University, 2009 2nd ed.), Magic Media (ed. With Jie Zhang, four volumes, media literacy books for students, Publishing House of Fujian, 2007), Chinese Journalism Since 1949, (ed. With Hanqi Fang, Publishing House of Fujian, 2002), The Contemporary History of Hong Kong's Press (Law Publishing House of China, 1997), History of the Supplement Columns of the Chinese Newspapers (Publishing House of Fujian,1999), as well as translated works, and more than 40 articles about public opinion on the internet, popular culture & mass media, the study of the narrative form of media, etc. She got the rewards of the Social Science Research from Beijing Municipality and from The Nation, and was rewarded for the Excellent Teacher in Peking University.