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Conference Speaker

Ishwar Chandramouliswaran


Ishwar Chandramouliswaran

Lead, FAIR Data & Resources, Office of Data Science Strategy

National Institutes of Health

Ishwar Chandramouliswaran is a Program Director and technical lead for the strategy, planning, coordination and oversight of establishing a FAIR data ecosystem at ODSS. 

Prior to joining ODSS, Ishwar served as the Deputy Director and operationalized NIAID’s newly established office of data science and emerging technologies and successfully developed trans-NIAID program initiatives that focused on data reuse, research software development, and establishing a NIAID Data Ecosystem. Prior to joining NIAID, Ishwar was an Associate Director at the National Cancer Institute’s, Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology and contributed to innovative programs and technology supporting open and collaborative team science to accelerate research in the cancer informatics community including the cancer genomics cloud and NCI hub projects. 

His career has spanned scientific research in bioinformatics to product development in academic and commercial settings, and his work driven by both research community needs and emerging technologies. His non-governmental experience includes serving as a subject matter expert at IBM Corporation towards realizing translational science through their clinical genomics engagements with noteworthy projects at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF); and as a bioinformatics scientist at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) and Celera Genomics. Ishwar is one of the authors of the landmark Science publications on the sequence of the human genome and holds patents in gene discovery. Ishwar holds an MS in Biochemistry from University of Maryland at College Park and an MBA from Johns Hopkins University.