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Conference speaker

Shlomo MagdassI


Shlomo Magdassi

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Shlomo Magdassi is a professor at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Institute of Chemistry and serves as the academic director for the university's Center for Functional and 3D Printing. His research centers on micro and nanomaterials, with a focus on their applications in 2D 3D and 4D printing. Over the course of his career, he has published more than 350 papers, edited four books, and holds approximately 300 patents and patent applications. His industrial research outcome includes creating numerous commercial activities, including start-up companies, licensing agreements, and worldwide sales. In recognition of his contributions, he was awarded the 2016 European Colloid and Interface Society Solvay Award, the 2022 Johann Gutenberg Prize by the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, the 2022 Israel Chemical Award for Outstanding Scientist, and he is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.

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