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13-17 September 2024, Barcelona

ESMO Congress 2024

Welcome to the Elsevier exhibit landing page for ESMO 2024! We are thrilled to announce our participation at this year's conference and invite you to explore our latest offerings. As a leading publisher in the field of oncology, we are committed to sharing the latest research and insights to help advance cancer research, treatment, and care. On this page, you’ll find information about our journals, sample issues in our oncology catalogue, the Elsevier Oncology Journal Network, and the ESMO journal portfolio.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network

We’ll help you find the right home for your research – fast

With over 50 journals, including The Lancet Oncology, Cancer Cell, European Journal of Cancer and Cancer Letters, Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network has the right fit for your paper.

Elsevier's Oncology Journal Network

Oncology Catalogue

Explore the cutting-edge research and clinical advancements in oncology with the Elsevier Oncology Journal Network catalogue, your gateway to the most comprehensive collection of oncology journals, including sample issues available to read.

Screenshot from the Oncology Catalogue

ESMO Portfolio

Discover ESMO journals in this short video. Our journals offer ESMO members and the oncology community a globally visible platform to publish scientific studies, and a highly credible source of educational updates.

Screencap of ESMO Portfolio Video

Publish Open Access in Elsevier Journals

Open access is vital to a collaborative, inclusive and transparent world of research where quality knowledge can be shared and built upon. Every day, we work to bring more insight into closer reach for the research community and the public. We offer a wide choice and flexibility for every researcher and institution around the world that wants to publish open access, without ever compromising on research quality, integrity and value.