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Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics

Aim & Scope

The Elsevier Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics book series has historically been a well-regarded cornerstone in the field of chemical kinetics, serving as an authoritative reference resource for advanced students, researchers, and practitioners.

The series has covered a wide range of topics in chemical kinetics from fundamental reaction mechanisms to advanced computational techniques. It has previously addressed critical areas such as gas-phase kinetics, liquid-phase reactions, enzyme kinetics, and the kinetics of complex systems, providing a thorough understanding of the subjects. Notable volumes have explored the kinetics of atmospheric reactions, the role of catalysis, and the intricacies of reaction dynamics, reflecting the evolving nature of the field.

Since the reboot of the series in 2023, much-needed volumes, including on Polymerization Chemistry and Kinetics of Photoinduced Reactions have been commissioned, with the first set to publish in 2027. The more pedagogical focus of forthcoming planned volumes aims to enhance the learning experience, making complex concepts more accessible while providing a solid foundation for newcomers to chemical kinetics topics.


Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics is tailored primarily to researchers, graduate students, and their educators in physical and materials chemistry as well as chemical engineering, and related secondary fields such as chemical physics, materials science and engineering, pharmaceutical sciences and biochemistry.

Publish a book with Elsevier

If you are interested in submitting a book proposal for the series, please contact the Acquisitions Editor for Physical Chemistry, Charles Bath [email protected] S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre

Series Volumes

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