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Digital Oncology

Aims & Scope

The purpose of this book series is to create a networking platform for digital oncology research, to promote interdisciplinary and interprofessional cooperation and to present a comprehensive list of books that touch upon the full incorporation.

This series is designed for researchers and clinicians researching, diagnosing, and treating cancer.

Digital Oncology is a major new suite of books in oncology and the applications of Artificial Intelligence in the treatment of cancer, which cover both basic and clinical research. The series seeks to discuss and provide foundational content from bench to bedside in digital oncology.

Digital Oncology cover

The oncological care is improving with digitization, smart usage of data and working with AI. With this Digital Oncology book series we commit to improve oncological practice of research, diagnosis, and treatment with the use of modern technology like AI and insights from big data.

Written and edited by leading international scientists, the series is primarily intended for researchers, clinicians, and students in oncology at the graduate level and above, including those working in academic, corporate, or non-profit settings. Its ethics mission is to enable global benefit sharing of advances in the field of oncology through the publication of foundational, consensus building content.

The Digital Oncology series seeks to provide wide coverage across areas of AI in oncology. Possible subject areas covered by Series Volumes include: an introduction to digital oncology, AI patient care, oncogenomics, surgical oncology, and clinical data, among others.

Series Editors

Dr. Pietro Presti


Dr Pietro Presti

SPCC - Sharing Progress in Cancer Care, Switzerland

En savoir plus sur Dr Pietro Presti
Professor Matti Aapro


Dr Matti Aapro

Genolier Cancer Center, Genolier, Switzerland

En savoir plus sur Dr Matti Aapro