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Estuarine and Coastal Sciences

Aim & scope

About the Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA)

The Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) is an international organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of multidisciplinary research into all aspects of estuaries and coasts, and the application of science and technology for their sustainable environmental management. ECSA has been involved in the organization of 50 high quality international conferences to date since its creation in 1972, averaging one or more major events each year. Apart from this the association has also organized over 60 local UK and European continental symposia and workshops and has published many proceedings and handbooks.

Over-looking view of a lake

About Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science – the journal

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science is an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the analysis of saline water phenomena ranging from the outer edge of the continental shelf to the upper limits of the tidal zone and the penetration of seawaters into estuaries. The journal provides a unique forum, unifying the multidisciplinary approaches to the study of the oceanography of estuaries, coastal zones, and continental shelf seas. It features original research papers, review papers and short communications treating such disciplines as zoology, botany, geology, sedimentology, physical oceanography.

The journal has an Impact Factor of 2.68, according to the Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters.

The birth of the book series

The ECSA has a long running a successful relationship with Elsevier, so far this has included Elsevier organizing the Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) Conference, which occurs every other year and the international journal Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, which Elsevier publishes in association with the ECSA. The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences series is devoted to the analysis of saline and brackish water phenomena ranging from the outer edge of the continental shelf to the upper limits of the tidal zone. The series provides a unique forum, unifying the multidisciplinary approaches to the study of the oceanography of estuaries, coastal zones, and continental shelf seas.

The series Editor is ECSA, led by Steve Mitchell and Mike Elliott. Each volume is edited or authored and includes contributions from worldwide experts in the field.


Researchers and academics, particularly MSc and PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in these fields. In a wider setting also: Water resources managers Hydrologists Ecologists Hydraulic engineers Farming Economists Irrigators Planners Fisheries Climatologists

Series Editor

Image of Mike Elliott


Michael Elliott

Emeritus Professor and Director

Estuarine and Coastal Sciences at the University of Hull, UK and International Estuarine & Coastal Specialists Ltd, Leven, UK

En savoir plus sur Michael Elliott
Image of Steve Mitchell


Steve Mitchell

Senior Lecturer and Associate Head

School of Civil Engineering and Surveying University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom

En savoir plus sur Steve Mitchell

Estuarine and Coastal Sciences
