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Advisory Board

Who selects the winner of the Atlas Award?

Advisory Board members select the recipient of the Atlas Award for a given SDG theme. Twice a year, the Board carefully chooses one winner from a list of ten nominated articles based on the novelty of the research and its potential impact on society. Board members are appointed by invitation.

Advisory Board

Lewis Akenji


Lewis Akenji

Managing Director, Hot or Cool Institute

Mohamed Atani


Mohamed Atani

Head of UNEP Office for West Africa

Yap Boum


Yap Boum

Executive Director, Pasteur Institute of Bangui

Shun Fung Chiu


Shun Fung Chiu

Member, UN Environment International Resource Panel

Joyeeta Gupta


Joyeeta Gupta

Professor of environment and development in the global south, University of Amsterdam and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Ryoji Noritake


Ryoji Noritake

President, Health & Global Policy Institute

Osamu Saito


Osamu Saito

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Kathleen Aviso


Kathleen Aviso

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering