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Andrea Gomez-Zavaglia


Andrea Gomez-Zavaglia

Coimbra Chemistry Centre, Portugal

Andrea Gomez-Zavaglia is the Head of the Center for Research and Development in Food Science and Technology (CIDCA-CONICET-UNLP). She is currently Principal Researcher at CONICET (Argentinean Research Council). She holds a Ph.D. in Exact Sciences from the University of La Plata (Argentina) and completed postdoctoral stages at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), the für Pflanzenphysiologie (Germany), and the University of Coimbra (Portugal).

Visiting professor at the University of Vigo (Spain, 2009), the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain, since 2010), Université Paris Cité (since 2014), AgroParisTech (2019), and the Università di Teramo (Italy, 2022).

Her research focuses on functional food ingredients, including their production, stabilization, and storage, with a particular emphasis on sustainability and the molecular mechanisms underlying their physical and chemical behaviors.

She currently collaborates with over 30 research groups and companies across more than 15 countries in the European Union and the Americas. She has delivered more than 50 lectures at academic institutions and companies in Argentina and the European Union. She is also the co-founder of a biotechnology start-up.

She has authored over 175 peer-reviewed papers, 25 book chapters, two books (Springer), and seven patents. She serves as an Associate Editor for Food Chemistry X and Heliyon (Elsevier) and has been a guest editor for Current Opinion in Food Science (COFS). She has organized more than 20 international conferences and workshops and has served on several International Advisory Boards.

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ORCID: S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre

Ciencia Vitae: S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre