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Antje Baeumner

Regensburg University, Germany

Antje J. Baeumner is Director of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, full professor and Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Regensburg, Germany. She is president of the International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry and editor of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer Nature).

Before 2013 she was professor and Director of Graduate studies at the Dept. of Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University.

Antje earned her master’s degree in 1994 in biotechnology at the Technical University of Braunschweig and her doctorate degree in 1997 in technical biochemistry from the University of Stuttgart. Her research focuses on the development of biosensors, point-of-care and lab-on-a-chip systems for the detection of pathogens, toxins and biomarkers for clinical diagnostics, food safety and environmental monitoring. She invents and studies novel multifunctional nanomaterials for bioanalytical applications to especially solve challenges in on-site and in-field sensing systems. She earned numerous awards including an Alexander-von-Humboldt senior scholarship, a Mercator Professorship of the German Science Foundation, she was a finalist for the Blavatnik Award and is a fellow of the Daimler-Benz-Foundation. She was chair of the 2010 Gordon Research Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors and is chair of the 2022 GRC on Nanoscale Science and Engineering for Agriculture and Food Systems.