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Bo Li


Bo Li

Washington University in St Louis, US

Dr. Bo Li is a Stanley A. Sawyer Professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Science and Co-director of the Transdisciplinary Institute in Applied Data Sciences at Washington University (WashU) in St. Louis. She received her PhD in Statistics from Texas A&M University in 2006 and then became a Post-Doc at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Dr. Li began her academic career at Purdue University in 2008 and then moved to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2013. Before moving to WashU in 2024, Dr. served as Marjorie Roberts Professor and Chair of the Department of Statistics at UIUC. Dr. Li’s research focuses on spatial and spatiotemporal statistics, and environmental applications to broad areas such as climatology, atmospheric sciences, public health, forestry, and agriculture.