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keynote Speaker

Chunfei Wu


Chunfei Wu

Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Dr Chunfei Wu (CW) is a Reader at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the Chemical Engineering Programme Lead at QUB. He has worked in the areas of converting renewable and waste resources to energy, fuel, and chemicals through catalytic thermo-chemical routes for about 20 years. He is the PI of a EU RISE international exchange programme in relation to biomass gasification and carbon capture and utilisation. Dr Wu is Co-I of a EU H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 Flexi-PyroCAT project focusing on the co-processing of waste plastics and biomass and a Co-I of EU H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 for Advanced Zeolite Catalysis for Sustainable Biorefinery towards Value-added Chemicals. Dr Wu has also been involved in several EPSRC, Innovate UK, Royal Society and other EU projects. For example, he is the Co-I in EP/R000670/1 using microwave for bio-oil upgrading; Co-I in Innovate UK (Ref: 29478) for advanced battery thermal control and thermal using thermal phase change materials; Host academic for a Royal Society K.C. Wong International Fellowship (Ref: NIF\R1\191817). He has published >220 peer-reviewed journal papers with >11000 citations (H index of 66, Google Scholar) in the areas of catalytic thermo-chemical conversion of wastes. He is a Managing Editor of Biomass and Bioenergy and the Editor-in-Chief of Carbon Capture Science & Technology, a Gold Open Access journal published by Elsevier. Dr Wu is also the Chair of the International Association for Carbon Capture (, a registered charity in Northern Ireland.