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 Dennis Christensen


Dennis Christensen

Croda Pharma, Denmark

As Global Head of Research and Development for Adjuvant Systems, Dennis Christensen is leading the effort to expand Croda’s offering of new and innovative vaccine delivery systems, immunostimulators and combined adjuvant systems. He has for the last 20 years been working with pharmaceutical and immunological aspects of vaccine adjuvants and delivery systems including targeted delivery of vaccines. In this period he has played a key role in the development of the CAF® series of adjuvants from Statens Serum Institut, of which the CAF®01 and CAF®09b are now being developed as commercial products by Croda Pharma. He is a key opinion leader in the vaccine adjuvant research field and has an extensive experience with international vaccine research and development programs. Dennis has a Master and PhD degree in Pharmacy from University of Copenhagen, Denmark.