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Dérick Rousseau


Dérick Rousseau

Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Dérick Rousseau has been professor of of food science at Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, Canada since 1998. He obtained his Ph.D at the University of Guelph in 1997 on the rheology and microstructure of butter-fat-canola oil blends. The research mindset of his group is to understand how the underlying structure of foods and soft materials (emulsions, gels, and foams) contributes to their functionality & end-user applications (e.g., enhanced stability or new texture). His group focuses on the formation & structure of foods & soft materials to see how they behave when processed (sheared, aerated, etc.), mixed with other ingredients, during storage, or digested in our bodies. His group has made important research contributions in the areas of lipid crystallization, confectionery, emulsion stabilization and oleogelation. He has 180+ publications, 300+ presentations, and 5 patents to his name, and has numerous collaborations with international industrial partners on processed foods. He has been involved with the Food Structure and Functionality Forum for 20 years, and was the founder and editor-in-chief of the Elsevier journal Food Structure from 2013 to 2019.