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Florian Floyd Mueller


Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller

Talk Topic: Human-computer-food interactions

Monash University, Australia

Florian 'Floyd' Mueller is Professor of Future Interfaces at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia), where he leads the award-winning Exertion Games Lab. Previously, he was at RMIT, Stanford, University of Melbourne, Microsoft Research, MIT Media Lab, Fuji-Xerox Palo Alto Labs, Xerox Parc, and industrial research organization CSIRO. He featured on the top 100 human-computer interaction (HCI) researcher list and was the first Australian-based researcher to be selected to chair the CHI conference: HCI’s highest-ranked publication outlet. Floyd’s games have been featured on the BBC, ABC, Discovery Science Channel, and in Wired magazine, and they have been played by more than 20,000 players, across three continents. Floyd is also a member of the prestigious ACM SIGCHI Academy, an honorary group of leaders “who have made substantial contributions to the field of HCI”. S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre