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Hanna Meyer


Hanna Meyer

University of Munster, Germany

Hanna leads the working group on remote sensing and spatial modelling at the University of Münster. She did her PhD in 2018 at the University of Marburg (Germany) in the field of environmental informatics. In 2019 she began a Junior Professorship in the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster and later that year was appointed as a full professor at the Institute of Landscape Ecology. Her research lies at the intersection of geoinformatics and landscape ecology, with a focus on machine learning-based environmental monitoring applied to diverse fields, including vegetation science, climatology, and soil science. In this context, she develops novel methods and supporting software packages for spatio-temporal machine learning applications. These include strategies for reliable performance estimation and enhancing the spatial transferability of prediction models, aiming to produce more reliable remote sensing and machine learning-derived Earth observation products.