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Jacopo Vialetto


Jacopo Vialetto

University of Florence, Italy

Jacopo Vialetto studied Chemistry (BSc) at “La Sapienza” University of Rome and Photochemistry and Molecular Materials (MSc) at the University of Bologna (Italy). He received his PhD from the École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France) under the supervision of Prof. Damien Baigl in 2018, and was then “Spark” and “Marie Curie” research fellow at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) in the lab of Prof. Lucio Isa. He is currently researcher in the University of Florence (Italy).

His research interests include various Soft Matter systems, with particular emphasis on the synthesis and characterization of structural and dynamic properties of colloidal systems containing hard and/or soft components. In particular, he focuses on modulating the interactions between colloidal particles and their response to external stimuli, acting at the level of synthesis or by exploiting complex mixtures with other colloids or surfactants, in order to tune the properties of 3D and 2D assemblies.