
Luisa De Cola
Istituto Mario Negri, Italy
Luisa De Cola is full Professor in Supramolecular and Biomaterials Chemistry at the Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (I.S.I.S.), Université de Strasbourg, France, ad associate scientist at the KIT, Germany.
Her scientific career includes:
- 1978-1983 Laurea in Chemistry summa cum laude, University of Messina (Italy)
- 1984-1986 Postdoctoral fellow (NIH) at the Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA ( Prof. Lidia M. Vallarino).
- 1986-1990 Researcher National Research Council, CNR, Instituto F.R.A.E, Bologna (Prof. Vincenzo Balzani).
- 1987-1988 Visiting researcher, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (Prof. Alex von Zelewsky).
- 1990-1998 Assistant Professori University of Bologna (Italy).
- 1998-2004 Full Professor, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), chair of Molecular Photonic Materials.
- Since 2005 Full Professor (C4) in Physics and Chemistry, University of Münster (Germany) chair of Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics.
- 2005- 2006 Adjunct Professor, HIMS, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 2006 - Part-time Professor Department of Chemistry University of Twente, The Netherlands
- 2009 Offer as full professor at the University of Twente (declined)
- 2011 Offer at the University of Strasbourg/ISIS Chair in Supramolecular Chemistry, accepted (October 2012)
Awards and Professional Appointments
- Prize for chemistry "Fondazione U. Bonino e M.S. Pulejo” (1986).
- Prize for Chemistry of the "Accademia di Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli" (1993).
- Federchimica National Prize " per un futuro intelligente (for a smart future)" (1995).
- International Prize of the European Photochemistry Association "Grammaticakis-Neumann" (1995).
- Finalist of the Descartes Prize (2004).
- Member of the Advisory Board for the Chemistry Department, Imperial College of London (2003-2007 ).
- President of the Evaluation Committee for the Department of Chemistry University of Padova (Italy) and member of the Evaluation Committee for the Department of Chemistry Université Louis Pasteur and of the ISIS, Strasbourg, France (2007-2008).
- European Research Council, ERC Advanced Grant Award (2009).
- Speaker at the Frontiers of Chemistry Conference, Paris May 2010 (4 Nobel Laureates and 4 other speakers) (2010).
- IUPAC prize for the most distinguished women in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering (2011)
- Gutenberg Chair Award (2012)
- Berzelius Lecture, Stockholm (2012)
- President of the Bürgenstock conference (2013)
Prof. De Cola has been visiting professor in several universities in Europe (Santiago de Compostela, Leuven, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Sassari, Malaga) and in USA (MIT, Harvard, UCLA). She is a member of the editorial board of Chemistry of Materials (ACS), ChemPhysChem (Wiley) and ChemPlusChem (Wiley) and of several european evaluation committees. Her research areas include luminescent and electro-luminescent materials for optical and electroluminescent devices and nanomaterials for imaging diagnostics and therapy. She enjoys to give lectures to general public (Wien Academy of Sciences, Accademia dei Lincei, schools, TV shows) and to promote science at any level (High Tech Underground exhibition 2010). She gives talk about chocolate (Year of Chemistry, 2011, Strasbourg) and has published 250 papers and filed 15 patents. She has an h-index of 48 and more than 8,000 citations.