
Qichang Yang
Talk Topic: Urban farming
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China
Professor Qichang Yang, Chief Scientist of Institute of Urban Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China, and the IEAS( International Eurasian Academy of Sciences) Academician.
He is a Chief Scientist and the Director of Key Lab of Intelligent Horticultural Equipment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China;Director of the Belt and Road Agricultural Joint Lab of China-Romania,Ministry of Science and Technology, China.He obtained his PhD (1996) in Bio-Environment Engineering at China Agricultural University. As a visiting scholar, he studied greenhouse environmental engineering in the System and Control group at Wageningen University from April 2005 to April 2006. He was a senior visiting scholar on greenhouse engineering at the University of Arizona during October 2013 to January 2014.
His main research activities included vertical farming, greenhouse engineering and LED lighting in horticulture. As a Chief Scientist, he has been in charge of a large research project on intelligent plant factory production technology (National High Science & Technology project supported by the Chinese Government). In the past ten years, he has organised or participated in 40 national research projects on energy saving technologies in greenhouse and plant factory, and (co-) published more than 270 papers, of which 106 have been quoted by SCI, and 9 monographs. He has received several honours and awards for his scientific excellence, including a National Science & Technology progress prize (2017 and 2009), a special Government allowance (2010), a national gold medal of patent (2011), and national expert with outstanding contributions (2013). He is chair of ISHS Working Group Design and Automation in Integrated Indoor Production Systems, convenor of GreenSys 2017,and convenor of Vertifarm 2023.