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Riccardo Levato


Riccardo Levato

University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), The Netherlands

Dr. Riccardo Levato is Associate Professor of Biofabrication and Regenerative Medicine at the Department of Orthopedics, University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) and at the Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht. His main research focus are on the development of Biofabrication strategies to create bioprinted and lab-made tissue models, particularly for osteochondral regeneration. At UMCU, working at the frontier between engineering, biology and biomedical sciences, he focuses especially on novel treatments for cartilage and osteochondral defects and their application in translational regenerative medicine. For his work on biofabrication, he was conferred the 2015 Julia Polak award by the European Society for Biomaterials and the 2016 Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Young Investigator Award, the 2021 Jean Leray award from the European Society for Biomaterials, and the 2022 Robert Brown award from TERMIS-EU. In 2020, he also received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council, to develop novel volumetric bioprinting techniques to build models of the human bone marrow. Dr. Levato worked in several research groups across Europe: 3Bs, University of Minho, (Portugal); BioMatLab, Technical University of Milan (Italy), Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC, Spain), in the field of Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine, and holds a cum laude PhD in Biomedical Engineering (obtained at the Technical University of Catalonia, Spain).