
Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva Martins
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
Rodrigo Martins, Portuguese nationality, born in Nova Lisboa, Angola. He got: in 1974 the Honours degree in Electronics Engineering by U. Luanda. In 1977 he got the MSc degree in Semiconductor Materials, by U. of Dundee, Scotland, supervised by W. Spear, the 1977 Euro physicist award; in 1982, the Ph.D. in Energy conversion and Semiconductors, by New University of Lisbon (UNL); in 1988 the Aggregation in Semiconductor Materials and Microelectronics, by UNL. Full Professor at FCT-NOVA since 2002 in Materials Engineering, speciality Materials for Energy, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies. Professor Honoris Causa by University of Galati, Romania, 2012. Published more than 1000 scientific papers, cited more than 38500, with an h factor of 97 ( S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre).
He is the running director of i3N; CENIMAT|i3N ( and CEMOP/UNINOVA, (, President of European Academy of Sciences - EurASc; President of the administration board of the Portuguese cluster in Advanced Materials (NANOMAT); member of the: administration board of the Portuguese cluster on Batteries (BatPower); committee of King Jaume I award for Basic Research (; coordination board of the Sino-Portugal joint centre in Advanced Materials. Chair of the European Committee Affairs of European Materials Research Society (E-MRS).
Former: President of International Union of Materials Research Society; Member of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council; president of E-MRS.
In Europe, close to EC, one of the elaborators of the Paper Electronics, Responsible Electronics and Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership programmes. Mentor of Advanced Materials Academy launched by the EC in 2024 and of the Materials Manifesto 2030.
In China: QiuShi Chair Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University; Honorary Professor of Heife Institutes of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); Honorary Professor of the Technical University of Wuhan. Coordinator of the Sino-Europe Display Materials Joint Laboratory, launched in Hefei 4th July 2024. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal Materials Discover, from Nature-Springer. Member of the: international advisory board of Advanced Electronics Materials and of the Journal of Physics D; Editor board of the Responsive Materials Journal.
Fields of expertise: advanced functional materials; nanotechnologies, microelectronics, transparent electronics (pioneer) and paper electronics (inventor), with more than 950 papers published, holding an h factor of 96, with more than 35000 citations. Author in 5 books and 31 book chapters and editor in 8 books. He gave so far 157 plenary talks; 260 invited talks; 109 oral presentations and 95 posters, in conferences and workshops.
Patents, awards, and honours: 58 conceived patents (12 are trademark register) and have 7 pending patents related to oxide semiconductors, paper electronics, energy devices, processing technologies; electrochromic devices, memory devices; CMOS technology full oxide based; photodetectors, ink processing; smart bio detection platforms; x-ray and photodetectors.
Decorated with the gold medal of merit and distinction by the Almada Municipality for his R&D achievements, in 2016; in 2021 he got the Career and Recognition Award given by the Portuguese Society of Materials and Research Nova-Altice Scientific Merit Award, in his first edition. In 2023 selected as PIFI Distinguished Scientist of CAS, the highest honour for overseas talents. Besides that, he got more than 18 international and national prizes and distinctions for his work.
Involvement in Research Projects: 204 projects (96 are national), coordinated 61, responsible in 71, co-responsible in 5 and active member in 62, involving total budget of 78,592,773.18 €.