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Shelley Minteer 


Shelley Minteer

The University of UTAH, USA

Dr. Shelley Minteer is the Dale and Susan Poulter Endowed Chair of Biological Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Utah. She received her PhD in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Iowa in 2000 under the direction of Professor Johna Leddy.

After receiving her PhD, she spent 11 years as a faculty in the Department of Chemistry at Saint Louis University before moving to the University of Utah in 2011. She was a Technical Editor for the Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2013-2016) and also an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Chemical Society (2016-2020) and is now the Editor-in-chief of the American Chemical Society Au journals (2020-present). She has published greater than 400  publications and greater than 500 presentations at national and international conferences and universities. She has won several awards including the Luigi Galvani Prize of the Bioelectrochemical Society,  International Society of Electrochemistry Tajima Prize and Bioelectrochemistry Prize, Grahame Award of the Electrochemical Society, Fellow of the Electrochemical Society and the International Society of Electrochemistry, American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Electrochemistry, and the Society of Electroanalytical Chemists' Young Investigator Award and Reilley Award. Her research interests are focused on bioelectrocatalysis. She has expertise in biosensors, biofuel cells, electrosynthesis, and bioelectronics.