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Wirichada Pan-Ngum


Wirichada Pan-Ngum

MORU, Thailand

As a dedicated researcher in infectious disease modelling, I aim to deepen our understanding of diseases and preventive measures through mathematical modelling. My research focuses on regional health challenges, employing models that clarify the intricate relationships involving diseases, hosts and external factors, while also providing crucial evidence to inform public health policy decisions. I am passionate about interdisciplinary collaboration, as I believe that integrating diverse perspectives – such as field surveys, social sciences, laboratory research, and science communication – enhances our understanding of public health issues and leads to more feasible and sustainable solutions.

In addition to my research endeavours, I am committed to effectively communicating the significance of science and mathematics to raise awareness of research impacts in the public domain. I also work towards strengthening networks of mathematical modellers in the region, fostering collaboration and innovation.

I serve as an Associate Professor at Mahidol University (Thailand) and the University of Oxford (UK). I lead my modelling group and co-chairing the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee at the Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), a leading research institution with a focus on tropical medicine and infectious diseases to address a variety of public health challenges in Southeast Asia and beyond.