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Xuehong Gu


Xuehong Gu

Nanjing Tech University, China

Dr. Xuehong Gu is a Professor (Dean) in the College of Chemical Engineering at Nanjing Tech University. He received PhD degree in 2002 at the same university. From 2003 to 2007, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at New Mexico Tech and University of Cincinnati. In 2014, he has a short academic visiting in Imperial College London. His research interests mainly focus on preparation and applications of zeolite membranes. He has hosted over 30 research projects sponsored by National Key R & D Program, key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, National “863” Program, National “973” Program and etc. He has published more than 120 SCI-indexed papers, obtained 50 authorized invention patents, including 7 international patents.