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APAC Customer Success

Tools for driving thought leadership, domain knowledge, and improving research outcomes.

Professionals working on a white board

At Elsevier, we take immense pride in being a trusted partner to the communities we serve.

To support academic and research-focused professionals in building domain knowledge, honing new skillsets and expanding understanding of industry developments, we bring you the APAC Customer Success Hub. Within the hub are recorded webinars on topics relevant to our partners in science, as well as demonstrations of the solutions that can support research outcomes - in a range of languages including English, Chinese, Bahasa, Japanese, Korean and Thai. On-top of which, we've featured customer stories that illustrate the roadmap to success.

Local Language

The resources on this page are all in the English language. But we have recorded many product demonstrations and webinar presentations in several Asian languages.

Navigate to the language relevant to you, below, to browse and benefit from that content.

APAC corporate newsletter

Corporate customer? Stay updated with our APAC quarterly corporate newsletter, delivering the latest news and product updates from the Asia-Pacific region.

Guides and certification

Solutions videos

Onboarding videos, product feature demonstrations, and use-case specific illustrations of how Elsevier solutions can improve research outcomes.

"Even though students use tools such as search engines in their research work, there is a vast amount of misleading information online which can potentially affect the quality of their research work. By having ScienceDirect as a one-stop portal for all their research needs, students can easily find relevant information from various credible interdisciplinary sources. In addition, students can reduce the amount of time they spend researching for information."

Mdm. Zaharah binti Abd Samad


Mdm. Zaharah binti Abd Samad

Chief Librarian de Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

A-Z by solution

Recorded events

Author and researcher workshops, industry discussions and expert insights.

"We look at Elsevier as a partner and not just a service provider. Why? Because learning and research support is not just about merely providing access to resources. There should be a roadmap to success, and with that we’re excited."

Christine Abrigo


Ms. Christine Abrigo

Director of Libraries de De La Salle University, Philippines

Please enjoy these thought leadership recordings, organized by date of publication, the most recent first.

Recordings (by recency)

News & Updates

Please find any news and updates regarding Elsevier products, news stories or press releases here.

You may also find it useful to navigate to the appropriate global website for the product below.