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Dr Mark Wickham, Diagnostic Surgical Pathologist (ANZ)

21 février 2025

Please briefly describe who you are and your role? 

I am Dr. Mark Wickham, a diagnostic surgical pathologist in the general field of  practice for more than 30 years, servicing 3 hospitals and processing work received from community origin. 

What problems were you attempting to solve when you started using ExpertPath? 

Routine daily reporting. 

What are the benefits have you experienced since using ExpertPath? 

ExpertPath is a fantastic product covering most areas of surgical pathology practice with chapter authors of international renown. It’s regularly updated. It has excellent differential diagnosis sections with immuno panels provided for distinction. It also has excellent publication references available as well as a link to ImmunoQuery for planning and interpreting immuno stains. 

How do you use ExpertPath in your day-to-day workflow? 

It’s an invaluable resource used at least 5 times daily for challenging cases or diagnostic uncertainty. Seldom do I have to consult printed reference texts these days. 

What would you tell a colleague who was considering using ExpertPath? 

would highly recommend, it’s a major time saver and diagnostic aid. I could not practice without this resource, I have been using it about 10 years and the product is continually improving. 

ExpertPath Discovery Insights - Dr. Mark Wickham

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