Deborah Low, Barts Health NHS Trust (United Kingdom)
9 août 2022
Who are you and your institution?
Deborah Low, Consultant Radiologist and Resident Trainees at Barts Health NHS Trust, a teaching hospital in London with a large radiology department with approximately 30 trainees covering a wide variety of specialties.
What problem(s) were you attempting to solve with the implementation of RADPrimer?
Continued learning for trainees whilst a lot of specialties and services reconfigure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At a time when usual active learning practices have been stopped/reduced/ changed, I think our trainees have found RADPrimer a very useful online learning tool to keep their learning going.
What are three benefits that your team has experienced since using RADPrimer?
The online learning; I have encouraged my team to work through the specialty they were supposed to be doing online (as well as others). Most believe it is an ideal home learning tool for radiology.
How do you see RADPrimer being used by your team in their day-to-day role?
Unsure as yet, apart from general learning & education but I expect it will be very helpful for exams and potentially helping during an on-call shift.
What’s the primary reason that you would recommend RADPrimer?
RADPrimer is a fantastic resource that provides high-quality educational content in an innovative and easily digestible quiz-based format. It is more comprehensive than many other resources available and the interactive nature of the software makes it far more engaging than reading large reference textbooks. In addition, the content is pitched at the right level for the UK college exams, therefore, making it an excellent exam preparation tool, as well as a refresher for post-FRCR trainees and consultants.
If you could share two insights with your fellow healthcare professionals as to how RADPrimer is helping you in your current day-to-day experiences, what would they be?
As a post-FRCR trainee, my learning is focused on my subspecialty interest and RADPrimer is unique in that it provides a level of knowledge depth in each subspecialty which is difficult to find in general radiology reference texts. Also, being an online resource, it is always accessible and I find myself using it to augment my knowledge both at home as well as at work during quieter times. This has proven invaluable in keeping up my skills and knowledge during the Covid-19 pandemic which has affected radiology training worldwide.

Step forward: RADPrimer - Deborah Low, Barts Health NHS Trust (United Kingdom)
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