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Journal of Nuclear Cardiology

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Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (JNC), the official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre, is the only journal in the world dedicated to the nuclear cardiology subspecialty.

The original articles of JNC cover a wide range of topics within the field of nuclear cardiology, encompassing interpretation, diagnostic techniques, imaging technology, and the utilization of radiopharmaceuticals. This journal is not only valued for its peer-reviewed articles, but also for its timely discussions about the current and future role of nuclear cardiology to both physicians and technicians.

What will happen when you submit the form?

  • Request institutional access to the journal by filling in the required form fields and clicking Submit Form.

  • Our sales representative will share your request directly with your institution’s decision makers, and together they will discuss the options of adding the journal to your institute’s collection.