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Elsevier announces expansion to their flagship clinical decision support solution, ClinicalKey AI


New functionality and partnerships make it easier for clinicians to access crucial information at the point of care and log learning credits

Elsevier, a global leader in health information and data analytics, has announced further enhancements to ClinicalKey AI, the company’s leading generative AI-powered clinical decision support solution. The new functionality and integrations with strategic partners aim to transform the way healthcare providers access and utilize actionable insights, enhancing patient care and efficiency directly within the clinician’s workflow.  

Seamless workflows are crucial for doctors as they enable them to focus more on patient care, reduce time-consuming administrative tasks, and access relevant information efficiently. To serve the needs of busy clinicians, ClinicalKey AI is launching new workflow integrations in the electronic health record (EHR) with Epic1 and into the health information technology (HIT) space with iPrescribe by DrFirst, along with a new mobile app available for Apple and Android users. 

The new EHR integration will streamline workflows, enabling clinicians to switch between Epic’s EHR and ClinicalKey AI without needing to navigate away from patient records. ClinicalKey AI can be found in Connection Hub on Epic Showroom, providing a cohesive experience for clinicians, simplifying the process for accessing essential information at the point of care. A new ClinicalKey AI mobile app will further boost access, enhancing clinicians’ ability to access critical information on the go.  

Dr. Barry Wendt, Chief Medical Information Officer at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, a development partner on the Epic EHR integration, said: “Clinicians are working under increasing pressure, treating multiple patients with complex cases, and simplifying access to vital information is paramount. With ClinicalKey AI’s seamless integration with the Epic EHR system, clinicians can easily move between the patient’s EHR and the latest evidence-based content, helping them save valuable time when they’re treating patients at the point of care.” 

The collaboration with DrFirst, which has solutions used by more than 450,000 prescribers, adds the power of ClinicalKey AI decision support to the company’s iPrescribe by DrFirst HIT platform. “Each day, prescribers make the most of every moment to take care of their patients, even while traveling between their homes, various offices, and other facilities,” said Colin Banas, M.D., M.H.A., Chief Medical Officer of DrFirst. “Making this world-class, evidence-based research tool available within the iPrescribe by DrFirst app gives healthcare providers across all practice sizes and specialties instant access AI-powered conversational searches of clinical literature—helping them make informed prescribing decisions from anywhere.” 

In addition to these new access-enhancing features, ClinicalKey AI will also enable clinicians to earn, track, and claim Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Maintenance of Certification (MOC) credits directly within the platform. Healthcare professionals will be able to earn CME credits through each clinical query and response interaction, seamlessly integrating learning into their daily workflow.  

Furthermore, ClinicalKey AI will support auto-submission of MOC credits to American Boards of eight different specialties (internal medicine, pediatrics, anesthesiology, surgery, pathology, otolaryngology, orthopedic surgery and thoracic surgery). This will make ClinicalKey AI the first AI solution of this kind with this capability. 

Omry Bigger, President of Clinical Solutions at Elsevier said: “Healthcare professionals continue to face growing pressures on their time while operating in a fast-moving work environment. Since launching ClinicalKey AI in 2024 as the first Gen-AI solution of its kind, we have continued to expand functionality to support clinicians by streamlining processes, improving access and boosting CME, helping them respond to the challenges they face every day.” 

ClinicalKey AI is available in over 50 countries and provides answers from a content set that is specifically curated for point of care questions. It enables access to Elsevier titles such as The Lancet, Goldman-Cecil, as well as non-Elsevier titles and a host of other evidence-based sources.  Today’s announcement builds on the expanded partnership with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) announced earlier this year, which made the ACC’s Clinical Practice Guidelines and Expert Consensus Decision Pathways on a range of cardiology topics available on ClinicalKey AI. 

You can learn more about ClinicalKey AI on our website, and also at the upcoming 2025 HIMSS Conference in Las Vegas. Join the Elsevier team at booth 3616 and AI Pavilion Kiosk 121-14 to find out more about ClinicalKey AI.  You can also hear from Elsevier spokespeople Dr. Amber Featherstone-Uwague (3:10 p.m., March 4) and Dr. Paul “PJ” Helmuth (2 p.m., March 5) at speaking sessions in the AI Pavillion. 

About iPrescribe by DrFirst  

iPrescribe by DrFirst is the industry-leading e-prescribing solution, trusted by healthcare providers throughout the U.S. It enables safe and efficient prescribing of controlled and non-controlled substances anytime, anywhere. Built for mobility and designed to adapt to any workflow, iPrescribe ensures seamless, compliant prescribing across all practice settings. Whether used as a standalone mobile solution or integrated with an EHR, iPrescribe delivers flexibility for in-office and after-hours needs. DrFirst solutions help 100 million patients a year and are used by more than 420,000 prescribers, 71,000 pharmacies, 270 EHRs and health information systems, and over 2,000 hospitals in the U.S. To learn more, visit iPrescribe.com and DrFirst.com. 

エルゼビアについて エルゼビアは、科学情報と分析を牽引するグローバル企業として、研究者や医療従事者が社会の利益のために科学を進歩させ、医療成果を向上させることを支援しています。我々は信頼できるエビデンスベースのコンテンツと高度なAI対応デジタルテクノロジーに基づくソリューションにより、インサイトと重要な意思決定を促進することでこれを実現しています。

エルゼビアは、140 年以上にわたり研究および医療コミュニティの活動を支援してきました。全世界で 2,300 人以上の技術者を含む 9,500 人の従業員がおり、重要な職務における研究者や、図書館員、アカデミックリーダー、資金提供者、政府機関、R&D 関連企業、医師、看護師、将来の医療従事者や教育者を支援することに従事してきました。2,900 誌以上の科学ジャーナルと代表的な参考文献には、Cell Press、The Lancet、Gray's Anatomy など、各分野の主要なタイトルを含みます。 エルゼビア・ファウンデーション 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くと共に、開発途上国および世界中の科学、研究、医療分野におけるインクルージョン&ダイバーシティを推進するため、支援コミュニティと連携して活動しています。 エルゼビアは、プロフェッショナルおよびビジネス顧客向けの情報に基づく分析および意思決定ツールのグローバルプロバイダーである RELX 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くグループの一部です。業務内容やデジタルソリューション、コンテンツ詳細については、 www.elsevier.com/ja-jpをご参照ください。


Chris West


Chris West

Senior Communications Manager, Health Markets


+1 703 967 3990

E-mail Chris West