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Press release

Elsevier launches Complete HeartX™, the world’s first heart education experience in spatial computing

New York | 2024年2月5日

Complete HeartX provides learners with a unique experience to learn about the heart through interactive 3D models, images and simulations on Apple Vision Pro

Elsevier Health, a global leader in medical information and data analytics, today launches Complete HeartX, a groundbreaking educational tool designed exclusively for Apple Vision Pro, the world’s first spatial computer. The tool unlocks an immersive and powerful experience that allows users to discover the heart like never before.

Designed to take advantage of the unique capabilities of Apple Vision Pro, Complete HeartX seamlessly merges the digital and physical world. By being able to explore the heart in stunning detail, users can bridge the gap between theory and practice. Complete HeartX combines detailed 3D models, animations, images, videos, educational scenes and clinical simulations to make learning about the heart engaging and informative. The app is based on Elsevier’s evidence-based content including Complete Anatomy, Osmosis and Gray’s Anatomy and has been created by Elsevier’s experts in anatomy and 3D modeling. 

Jan Herzhoff, President of Elsevier Health said, “We are delighted to launch this groundbreaking immersive solution, helping push the boundaries of innovation in health education. Traditional education tools often lack interactivity and fall short in engaging learners, which can be especially problematic when studying something as complicated as the heart. Complete HeartX creates an entirely new experience to clinical learning and combines it with our evidenced-based content so learners can discover cardiac health in a novel way.” 

Complete HeartX is launching with the pathology for Myocardial Infarction, commonly referred to as a heart attack, in a female patient. The symptoms are very different compared to males – for females, the symptoms are often more vague and more transient, and are under-represented in medical education and therefore often misdiagnosed. By using a female patient, Complete HeartX is addressing this inequity, and helping to raise awareness and understanding of female heart conditions. 

The product is designed for learners from any background - it is a valuable tool for medical students and healthcare professionals as well as being accessible for the general public. By better understanding a healthy and unhealthy heart, users can learn how to improve their own cardiac health and wellness. 

Complete HeartX allows users a unique and enjoyable learning experience:

Guided Exploration: Explore the healthy human heart and cardiovascular system using detailed 3D models that you can view from any angle, zoom in and out, and manipulate with your hands – you can even hear the heart's sounds and view blood flow and valve movements.

Cardiac Conditions: Go beyond the basics and learn about cardiac conditions in detail. See how conditions affect the structure and function of the heart, and learn about the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment using real-life scenarios and simulations.

Simulation: Experience clinical treatments for cardiac conditions using realistic simulations that mimic the real-world procedures. Perform or observe diagnostic tests using virtual tools.

Complete HeartX is only available on Apple Vision Pro and the experience options can be purchased from the Apple Vision Pro App Store.

About Elsevier Health

For more than 140 years, Elsevier has supported the work of researchers and healthcare professionals by providing current, evidence-based information that can help empower students and clinicians to provide the best healthcare possible. Growing from our roots, Elsevier Health applies innovation, facilitates insights, and helps drive more informed decision-making for our customers across global health. We support health providers by providing accessible, trusted evidence-based information to take on the infodemic; prepare more future health professionals with effective tools and resources; provide insights that help clinicians improve patient outcomes; deliver healthcare that is truly inclusive; and supports a more personalized and localized healthcare experience.

Diversity and inclusion are the foundation of our innovation, and our teams are committed to creating education and practice solutions that reflect the diversity of our world. Elsevier Health is helping lay the groundwork for more equitable healthcare worldwide. We bring the same rigor to our digital information solutions as we do to our publishing, allowing us to offer knowledge and valuable analytics that help our users make breakthroughs and drive progress for the benefit of every patient.

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エルゼビアは、140 年以上にわたり研究および医療コミュニティの活動を支援してきました。全世界で 2,500 人以上の技術者を含む 9,500 人の従業員がおり、重要な職務における研究者や、図書館員、アカデミックリーダー、資金提供者、政府機関、R&D 関連企業、医師、看護師、将来の医療従事者や教育者を支援することに従事してきました。2,900 誌以上の科学ジャーナルと代表的な参考文献には、Cell Press、The Lancet、Gray's Anatomy など、各分野の主要なタイトルを含みます。 エルゼビア・ファウンデーション 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くと共に、開発途上国および世界中の科学、研究、医療分野におけるインクルージョン&ダイバーシティ 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くを推進するため、支援コミュニティと連携して活動しています。 エルゼビアは、プロフェッショナルおよびビジネス顧客向けの情報に基づく分析および意思決定ツールのグローバルプロバイダーである RELX 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くグループの一部です。業務内容やデジタルソリューション、コンテンツ詳細については、 www.elsevier.com/ja-jpをご参照ください。


Chris West


Chris West

Senior Communications Manager, Health Markets


+1 703 967 3990

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Dan DiPietro-James

Global Media Relations Director


+1 773-251-8744

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