Khalifa University Establishes Open Access Agreement with Elsevier
Khalifa University to Publish Open Access Research in Elsevier Journals
Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, has established an open access agreement with Khalifa University of Science and Technology. The agreement grants researchers access to Elsevier journals via ScienceDirect and allows corresponding authors affiliated with Khalifa University to publish their research Open Access in select journals without incurring article publishing charges.
Dr. Bayan Sharif, Provost, Khalifa University said: “We are delighted to establish this agreement with Elsevier as we foster a research ecosystem where technological progress can be widely shared and built upon. By enabling our world-class faculty and researchers to publish via Open Access, they gain access to journals across every scientific discipline, receive expert support throughout the publication process, and benefit from unparalleled visibility on the global research platform ScienceDirect. Aligning with our commitment to advancing knowledge, the agreement also propels Khalifa University research to reach a wider global audience and pave the way for more collaboration and innovation.”
William Rubens, Regional Vice President at Elsevier, added “We're excited to join forces with Khalifa University to drive the future of Open Access. This collaboration marks a major step in fostering a research ecosystem that is both inclusive and accessible. Together, we will push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation, ensuring that a wider community of researchers can both contribute to and benefit from scientific advancements.”
In January 2024, Khalifa University launched Khazna, a cutting-edge institutional repository platform powered by Elsevier's Pure research information management system. Khazna provides a comprehensive and easily accessible platform for exploring the university's academic and research output, hosting a vast collection of over 1,880 PhD and Master’s theses with full metadata, abstracts, and in most cases, full-text access.
As the UAE’s top ranked higher education institution, with several research centers, research groups, labs and extensive state-of-the art facilities, generating a wide spectrum of Technology Readiness-level (TRL) projects, Khalifa University remains at the forefront, pioneering in research, innovation, entrepreneurship, and commercialization.
About Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Khalifa University of Science and Technology, the UAE’s top-ranked research-intensive institution, focuses on developing world leaders and critical thinkers in science, engineering and health science. The world-class university endeavours to be a catalyst to the growth of Abu Dhabi and the UAE’s rapidly developing knowledge economy as an education destination of choice and a global leader among widely acknowledged international universities. For more information, please visit: 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く
エルゼビアについて エルゼビアは、科学情報と分析を牽引するグローバル企業として、研究者や医療従事者が社会の利益のために科学を進歩させ、医療成果を向上させることを支援しています。我々は信頼できるエビデンスベースのコンテンツと高度なAI対応デジタルテクノロジーに基づくソリューションにより、インサイトと重要な意思決定を促進することでこれを実現しています。
エルゼビアは、140 年以上にわたり研究および医療コミュニティの活動を支援してきました。全世界で 2,300 人以上の技術者を含む 9,500 人の従業員がおり、重要な職務における研究者や、図書館員、アカデミックリーダー、資金提供者、政府機関、R&D 関連企業、医師、看護師、将来の医療従事者や教育者を支援することに従事してきました。2,900 誌以上の科学ジャーナルと代表的な参考文献には、Cell Press、The Lancet、Gray's Anatomy など、各分野の主要なタイトルを含みます。 エルゼビア・ファウンデーション 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くと共に、開発途上国および世界中の科学、研究、医療分野におけるインクルージョン&ダイバーシティを推進するため、支援コミュニティと連携して活動しています。 エルゼビアは、プロフェッショナルおよびビジネス顧客向けの情報に基づく分析および意思決定ツールのグローバルプロバイダーである RELX 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くグループの一部です。業務内容やデジタルソリューション、コンテンツ詳細については、をご参照ください。