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Collaborating to safeguard confidence in research

Our entire industry cares about research integrity. It underpins trust in the scientific community, contributes to knowledge advancement, and has implications for societal impact. We take an active role in industry working groups and have platforms to educate and inform researchers in all communities, regardless of where they choose to publish.

Male Caucasian professor in library university, discussing academia among students

Sharing technology across academic publishing

We are a founding member of the STM Integrity Hub. All publisher members of the Hub can now, for the first time, detect duplicate manuscript submissions across journals published by other houses while upholding robust confidentiality and privacy standards. The new tool was developed with Elsevier technology and openly shared with STM members.

Elsevier branded illustration. Two speech bubbles side by side

Driving confidence in research

As part of our Confidence in Research  新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くinitiative, we engaged expert partners, academic leaders and over 3,000 researchers from around the globe to start a dialogue around the challenges they face, including increased misinformation and politicization of science.

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