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RDM webinars and recordings 

Keep up to date with Research Data Management policies, opportunities, and solutions with these webinars.

Research Data Management webinar header

Needle in a Haystack: Where Is My Institution’s Data? Monitor & Report Research Data

In the second part of our 'From Strategy to Impact' RDM webinar series, join guests from the University of Manchester and the University if Groningen as they highlight:

  • Why tracking your institutional data is a challenge

  • Why it is important to track your institutional data

  • How different institutions tackled the challenge and what benefits they have reaped

Watch the webinar now新しいタブりィンドりで開く

Webinar: Where Is My Institution’s Data? Monitor & Report Research Data

Developing Your Research Data Management Program with Data Monitor

In this webinar, we share stories on how institutions that use Data Monitor’s dataset search and discovery capabilities to make it easier for librarians and research offices to track their institution’s entire research data output and monitor compliance with open science policies, all while complying with new Open Data policies and initiatives.

Watch the webinar now新しいタブりィンドりで開く

Webinar: Developing Your Research Data Management Program
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“The amount of research data lost or misplaced over time because they weren’t properly managed, archived and preserved is so vast it is difficult to estimate.”

Download the white paper 新しいタブりィンドりで開く